Make the Most of Every Opportunity!

Focusing on the importance of utilising every opportunity and being fruitful, Bishop Dr. M. Raphael Massiah emphasised the importance of owning land because he believes that this is a sure way of breaking the back of poverty. He was encouraging congregants in his sermon on Sunday, February 13, 2022, at First Assembly of God, Wortmanville, Guyana. In doing this, he cautioned that we should be careful who we listen to because we can miss out on great opportunities if we are misguided. The congregation was also encouraged to seek the city’s welfare and pray for the city. In doing so, when the city prospers, they will also prosper as individuals. One of the key takeaways from the sermon was that though sometimes our situations may appear hopeless, we must continue to trust and believe that God has a plan for us. However, our plan may not always align with His perfect will for us.   

To give the congregation a clear example of this, Bishop focused his message in Jeremiah 28-29, where the children of Israel were being held as captives in Babylon. During this time, Jeremiah had prophesied that they were going to be in bondage. The people, as a result, hated him and wherever he went he angered people.  Bishop Massiah expressed that though there is an expectation that oil will bring wealth, each person should conduct themselves well [ be smart and not be bitter] and utilise every opportunity available to them or they will miss these available opportunities.  

Jeremiah’s concern for his land led him into a heated argument with his colleague but he never stopped speaking God’s truth. At this time also, there was a leader from Babylon who had great designs and wanted to rule the world and actually did. They had a political system where once they conquered a country/region they would take the best and the brightest people and indoctrinate them over a period of three years.  Despite this, Bishop reminded the congregation that no one can take away the gifts God has given us. 

Additionally, there were also many false prophets who prophesied that it was going to be a short period of bondage but Jeremiah prophesied to them that they were going to be in exile for a long time. As a result, he revealed that God wanted them to build houses, live in them and multiply, even in captivity.  This may have been difficult to understand and maybe unclear because of the false news that was being circulated but God was responsible for this action. 

The congregation was reminded that sometimes things may happen to us that cause us to think that the devil is behind it, but though we may not understand why we have to face difficult situations, it may be God’s will for our lives. Sometimes it is the beginning of something we cannot see immediately but we will find out in time, expressed Bishop Massiah.

Bishop also took the opportunity to encourage eligible persons within the congregation to apply for the home improvement grant offered by the Ministry of Housing and Water, Central Housing Planning and Authority Division. Bishop reiterated that he believes that it is through acquiring land that we can break the back of poverty and once acquired, we can build our own homes. He further stated that we have a duty to ourselves and the Lord God to ownership. Thus, we are reminded of Jeremiah 29:5, which states build houses, live in them, plant gardens, eat their produce, and grow more food. He charged the congregation to multiply and watch God bless and cause the increase. 

As Bishop continued, he addressed the importance of having the right mindset. Even though the children of Israel were in a foreign place, God wanted them to seek the welfare of the city. Bishop encouraged the congregation to pray for the city, for when it has prosperity, they will prosper.  Here again, he reminded the congregation that God’s plans are different from our plans but it is His plan that prevails. As such, we need to be ready so that whenever an opportunity comes we can be equipped and ready to take it.  

Bishop Massiah closed by saying that this account is a template that proves whatever God promises to do He will do. However, in order to fulfill His promise, we have to prepare ourselves to go right through the door. When your time has come God will not leave you, He will raise you up and when He causes you to prosper, men will stand in awe. Your situation may seem hopeless but be reminded that God has a bigger and better plan for us, hence our confidence, our trust, must be placed in Jehovah God as we navigate our lives and living.

Furthermore, Bishop Massiah cautioned the congregation that they have to be careful who they listen to while in a situation so that they are not misguided or overlook great opportunities. Thus, he reminded the congregation that God has our welfare at heart, and if we trust and have confidence in God, not walking away from Him, then we will see His hand at work in our lives.  

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